Wednesday 27 November 2013

Analysis of Survey Results.

For our survey we received 78 responses from people between the ages of 15 and 22 years of age.
Some of the questions we very clear on what our target audience wanted but with some of the results we didn't agree with the audience.

Question One.
For question one we asked what gender should the killer be in our film opening. It was close between female and unknown gender but unknown gender came out with the most responses. This is what we were thinking of doing for our film opening to create suspicion in the audience to who the killer is but we may also consider the killer showing female characteristics to throw the audience off as also our killer is obsessed with beauty and youth they may be more likely to be female than male.

Question Two.
 The responses for what our killer should wear came back as we were thinking of clothing that will hide their identity to keep the audience thinking of who the killer may be. So we will go through with this result and keep their clothing unisex and big so you cannot see who it is.

Question Three.
The results of the question we asked regarding sound in our film opening came back with the audience wanting eerie music included in the film opening. We were also considering to put sudden noises and metallic sounds into the music as well as what the audience requested to create a more complicated and effective music track that will relate to the film opening.

Question Four.
Question four asked about where the killer's lair should be located and came to a strong result of a basement. Our group will stick to this result as we know of a location in which we can use.

Question Five.
The results of question five told us that our audience would want the killer to use a normal household object such as a knife or hammer. This is what we will go with in our film opening as we were already considering using these types of objects for our killer's weapon.

Question Five.
This question with how the victims should be treated by the killer was quite close between the killer torturing them first and them being alive when the killer cuts them open. This can be an opportunity for us as a group to incorporate both of the popular results to make the opening more appealing to the audience.

Question Seven.
 At first the results came through for this question as suggested deaths but in the end the audience wanted gory and obvious deaths. We were going to include both of these as it will give us an opportunity to use our skills and also not have so much information in the film opening that it will make it look more like a trailer.

Question Eight.
The clear winner of this question was that the audience wanted the killer to keep parts of their victims. We will use this information when creating our film opening to include body parts in the killers lair to keep the audience interested.

Question Nine.
This question coincides with what we were going to do at the end of our film opening of a stalking scene to create a cliff hanger for the audience and from these results we can see that this is exactly what the audience wants. 

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