Wednesday 13 November 2013

Movie Makeup

Fake wounds

I have already made an attempt at creating fake wounds, however, as our group is looking into the psychological horror genre, I felt that larger, more open wounds would be necessary.
(Previously, I looked at more scrape-like injuries that one might obtain from being a fight.  I want to create knife woulds.)

  • I used a similar method to before, by first applying liquid latex.
  • However, this time I also layered on tissue within the latex to create a thicker layer.

  • Once this dried, I used tweezers to tear into it.
  • As I had created a thick layer, it was easier to create a much deeper wound.

  • I then used acrylic to create a scabbed effect around the edges of the wound.  This also adds depth to it.
  • A lighter blood colour was also used to create the first layer of blood, before I poured fake blood into it.

  • Then I simply poured fake blood into the wound and allowed it to spill and drip down as it naturally would.
  • I also poured fake blood around my mouth, as bleeding from the mouth would be a result of such a wound.

Overall, I feel that this was a successful experiment and this skill will be useful when creating our opening sequence.
However, I think that I should continue to attempt to create bigger wounds in order to get the reaction that we want from our audience.

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