Sunday 24 November 2013

Camera Movements


  • A panning shot is where the camera pivots horizontally.
  • This can be either right to left or left to right
  • Gives viewer a panoramic view


  • A tilt shot is where the camera pivots vertically
  • This can be either from high to low or low to high
  • Scans set vertically


  • A tracking shot is where the camera follows an subject or an object
  • Smooth movements - forwards, backwards, along the side
  • Can't do complex movements around subjects 
  • On rails where a wheeled platform with the camera on it sits in order to create the smooth movement

Dolly Zoom

  • Dolly zoom is where the camera moves further or closer from the subject while adjusting the zoom angle to keep the subject the same size throughout the frame.
  • The effect it gives is the background size changes while the subject is stationary


  • Handheld shot is where the camera is held in camera operator's hands instead of a tripod etc.
  • This gives the shot a more jerky and ragged quality.


  • A crane shot is usually used to signify the end of a scene
  • Achieve by the camera being placed on a crane which is move upward


  • Using a zoom lens makes an object/subject appear that it is moving closer by zooming in or further away by zooming out when actually in the camera isn't moving
  • Often used for dramatic effect

  • Usually taken by helicopter
  • Used at the beginning to establish the scene
  • Variation of the crane shot

  • Steadicam is a stabilising mount for a camera which mechanically isolates the user's movement from the camera.
  • Allows a smooth shot though the user might be moving quickly on an uneven surface

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