Thursday 28 November 2013

Location: Killer's Basement

  • In our film opening, the audience are invited into the Killer's 'basement'. Within this 'basement' contains the equipment in which they use to torture his victims. As well as this they also display a photo montage where the Killer displays their triumphs of their past victims deceased and tortured for their beauty and blood. Along with the images for the Killer to keep a keen recollection of they also have jars upon jars filled with souvenirs of their past victims such as teeth, blood etc.
  • In the film opening we are using this garage for the killer to keep their jars, tools and photo montage. The garage itself is a dingy, dark and unsettling environment which is perfect for our killer to make their den for their dark practise. 

Scenes to use

  • Here I have captured different areas of the garage which would be the suitable to use for our film opening.
  • When taking these shots I tried to avoid the garage door to give the illusion that this is actually a basement.
  • When taking these images I took them on the video setting of my camera in order to capture the essence of how they will actually look when filming
  • These images provoke the dark an
  • When filming for the opening I will use flashing lights and red lighting in some shots to 

Ideas on shooting

  • Here I took a couple of jars that Ellen made to see where to situate the props and how to capture them when filming. I placed them on one of the many shelves in my garage.
  • When shooting for the final footage, I will clear out anything that won't tie in with the mysterious persona we have created for our killer.
  • Here I did some test shots for the jars which the killer keeps. I used a warm white light for these set of shots for the warmer tones.
  • One jar was filled with 'blood' so I aimed the light onto this jar which projected the red tones around the frame. The reason for this is that it denotes the theme of film which focuses on our killer slaughtering youthful women and girls for their blood to bathe/drink in order to remain youthful. 
  • The red also signifies the cautious and manipulative behaviour of our killer.
  • To capture these shots I used a macro lens as it will me to capture the finer details of the shot and get up really close to the subjects (in this case the jars) where as a standard lens won't let me.
  • I am particularly interested in the first shot in the second row - I love the glow of the 'teeth' and the glares in the jar as well as the pop of cyan blue in the other jar.
  • Overall these jar shots were effective in showing some ideas of how to film these for the film opening. 

  • Again I have tested out another idea of a shot I could use in the film opening.
  • Here I have captured the shadow of my hand holding one of the jars.
  • I really like the outcome of this image because it provides an interesting and and creative shot yet it masks our killer's identity.
  • Overall this shot would be a great idea to use in the film opening as it provides ambiguity of our killer and is an interesting and creative shot. What I particularly like about this shot is the use of the glass glares contrasting against the gravity.
Ideas for Editing
  • For this scene where the killer goes into his garage to prepare for his next victim I feel that quick straight cuts and flashing would be effective
  • However when doing this I need to make sure it doesn't come across like a trailer. 
  • Within the footage of our killer going around observing his past and preparing for his future victim there will be short sharp straight cuts of flashbacks to the scenes of the deceased. 
  • By using the flashbacks it will give an insight into the gruesome truth behind our character
  • The flashback will be quite grainy and lo-fi representing the killer having recollections.
  • Overall the garage is an ideal location to use for the film opening as it projects the gritty and dark nature of the killer as well as containing several shots with potential once all the props has been placed in the desired locations.
  • By doing the test shots it has enabled me to get the grasps and get together a plan of how I'm going to shot this scene and where to put the props and what additional items I need such as torches for the lighting.
  • Also by shooting in video mode has allowed me to see how the footage will appear and where I need to improve on like the angles of the lighting and the positioning of how far the light needs to be from the camera.

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