Sunday 15 December 2013

Photography for Killer's Notebook

  Our killer takes photos of their victims (whilst they're stalking them and after they've been killed) and puts them in their notebook, which reflects upon their obsessive nature.
  Our first photo-shoot took place on 10th December 2013, and our first victim was played by Cara Lai Cullinane.

  • The locations Megan decided to use when preparing for the shoot all centred around the school setting.
(Outside the gates, through windows, in the street.)
  • This makes the victim's youth very clear to the audience.

  • The props we used were a bloodied shirt and fake blood.
  • A location that we didn't plan was at the bottom of stairs leading to a storage room, which we used for taking pictures of the victim after they were dead.

These are the photos that we will be using
in our opening sequence:

  • I edited them to be in black and white, as we don't feel that the killer's notebook would look as effective if it were full of colour.
  • Many of the photos were taken with window frames, walls or trees in view, to show that the killer was hiding whilst taking the pictures.
  • I also added a grainy effect to the pictures, or a motion blur effect, as the killer would not have had a lot of time to take the pictures as they must ensure that they are not seen by their victims.

  • Overall, I feel that these pictures will be effective for our killer's notebook, as they clearly show our killer's process of stalking before killing their victims.
  • Furthermore, the pictures could also be used on our killer's wall of photographs and newspaper clippings.
  • By having the pictures on the wall as well as in their notebook, the audience understands that the killer's life revolves around their murders, and that the killer has become an obsessive.
  • One problem is that some of the photos would not have been easy to take without the victims noticing, and so these pictures cannot be used.

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