Wednesday 11 December 2013

Deconstruction of Victim

Victim in American Psycho.

I looked at the girl in American Psycho who is involved in the chain saw scene to see what victims are portrayed as in psychological horror films.

This victim was dressed in white and was blonde haired which seems to typical of victims in any kind of horror or slasher film. This victim also is shown to be quite close to the killer and so may be trusts him until this scene. The use of the minimal clothing on the victim shows that because of her being a prostitute that she is quite vulnerable but also gives the audience little saddness for the victim once she is killed by the villian in this sequence.

There are also quite a lot of low angle shots framing the victim, this shows her to the audience as vulnerable and defenseless against the killer hunting her down as she has put herself in a vulnerable position of being trapped in the villian appartement with no one else to help her. She also wears very revealing and thin clothing alongside the colour of them being white it shows her oppositely as maybe a little more promiscuous so maybe she may have been waiting for the killer to kill her in a way that horror films are usually laid out as.

On a whole the victims in this psychological horror is shown as innocent and vulnerable. Her costume and make up are very minimal and casual to show that she is just another person and doesn't have much identity herself and is just known as the victim who is killed.

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