Monday 2 December 2013

Practical Source of Inspiration


Fight club (1999)

I was inspired by the movie makeup in the 1999 film 'Fight Club'.
In particular, the special effects cuts and wounds.

To recreate the wounds seen in fight club, I used:
  • Liquid Latex
  • Fake blood
  • Acrylic paints

1. I applied the liquid latex to the areas where the wounds would be:
(When dry, the latex is clear:)
2. Using scissors, I cut into the latex:
3. I then painted into the 'wounds' using red, blue and brown acrylic paints:
I did the same for the other 'wounded' areas:
4. Using a sponge, as well as simply pouring it on, i added fake blood to the wounds.  I also used the fake blood to create a nose bleed effect, inspired by the image from 'Fight Club' seen above.

My strengths centre around the creative arts.  I believe that this will be helpful to my group as I can storyboard clearly and create special effects such as those demonstrated above.

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