Sunday 1 December 2013

Deconstruction of 'One Hour Photo'

  • From the beginning of the film there has been reason to believe that 'Sy' the photo developer had a keen interest in a particular family of whom he develops their photos
  • We are first introduced to his collection of photo frames in which has pictures of the family. At first it is seemingly normal until the use of a zoom shot that reveals it is images of the family. 
  • The use of the zoom shot is particularly effective in this scene because it takes something which appears normal and but gradually drawing near we learn the startling and troublesome truth of it
  • The use of a long shot shows the collaged wall of photos in full and the set up. It shows how Sy would use a ladder for higher spots etc.

  • After the long shot of the wall of images, there is the use of extreme close ups to show who is in the images and it becomes apparent that Sy is obsessed over this family
  • The extreme close ups now shift to become just close up shots focusing on more photos than the just the one in the extreme close ups
  • Going from the extreme close up to just a close up is moving from one snapshot of a memory to the full extent of everything captured showing Sy's obsession 
  • The obsessive behaviour he shows is almost as though he wants to be part of the family
  • In terms of camera movement there is the use of panning and tilt. 
  • With the use of these camera movements it resembles someone scanning the way looking at all the photos just like the stalker, Sy, would
  • With the use of the non-diegetic stringed instrument possibly a bass or cello and faint high pitched vocals along with the subtle hints of the synth combine to adds to this unsettling sinister scene

  • The frame in which Sy is watching television shows an out of focused background of the wall of photos.
  • This frame shows the juxtaposition of Sy and the family. Sy being unhappy and lonely which contrasts the happiness and affluence of the family in which he is obsessed by
  • This wall of photographs is a form of obsession but could be seen as a shrine because of how much he idolises the family's happiness.
  • The use of wall of photos in his living room could show his longing to be part of the perfect family he wishes to join.

Although in 'One Hour Photo' it is primarily based around Sy wanting to part of this family. There are aspects in which he shows obsessive and stalker behaviour which would help for when we make the film opening to incorporate them. The wall of photographs is a great concept for showing the obsession with a particular individual so for an example in our film opening it could be photos of following the individual and sightings of them.

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