Sunday 1 December 2013

Looking at Potential Victims.

Using Potential Victims Photos.

I looked at people we may be able to use for the victims that the killer has already killed, so these people would be pictures in the killer's notebook/diary and maybe also on the walls of their lair.

 First of all I asked six of my friends who could potentially be victims in our film opening and asked them if I could use their profile pictures on Facebook for this part of my practical. I made the pictures black and white as when I would write on them with red pen I felt that this would be more effective rather than them being in colour.

I the cut the pictures out in a jagged motion and blacked out some features on the victims' faces that maybe the killer may like and want so they are trying to cover them up so it shows their obsession with beauty and youth. I also wrote on the pictures with red pen and crossed out features of the pictures that the killer may not be happy with and that why they killed them and alongside this in some places i used scissors to create tares in the paper and to scratch out the 'imperfections'. There are also words written on the victims faces which may be describing what the killer thinks of these victims and that they maybe don't deserve the features that the killer has blocked out.

 I thought on a whole this went quite well but i could have maybe made some picture bigger and maybe always used red pen instead of black and red to keep it consistent but then again this could show the unsettled mind of the killer. I also believe that these girls could be our victim but maybe that we could still look for other actors as well.

I also looked at how we could position victims when they are appearing dead, I took a few pictures of different positions but I was limited to what i could do to make it look realistic without make up being on the victim. Although I didn't use any make up it sill gives us a feel to what the pictures could look like and also may give us an opportunity to edit the pictures instead of using makeup instead.

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