Sunday 1 December 2013

AS Film Opening Deconstruction

In this post I will be deconstructing'Fugitive', an existing AS film opening.

Appropriateness for film opening
  • The typography in the opening shot tells the audience the name of the production company, which is an institutional convention in film openings.

  • The main character is introduced but is not fully developed yet, creating suspense and intrigue.
  • The genre is established straight away through mise-en-scene (e.g. bloody hands holding a weapon), meeting audience expectations.

Appropriateness for target audience
  • The mise-en-scene denotes violence and mystery which is appropriate for a 15+ audience.
  • The film opening appears to be made in the thriller genre which is popular in the target audience.
  • The main character is a teenager and so appeals to the target audience.
Appropriateness for genre
  • The use of fast paced background music and a non diegetic voiceover creates suspense, meeting conventions of the thriller genre.
  • Violence is a prevalent theme shown through the non diegetic voiceover and the mise-en-scene, which meets another convention and audience expectations.
  • Fast paced shots of the main character moving around the set as if he is escaping creates suspense and tension which is appropriate to the genre.
  • Straight cuts are used to show continuity, these are mostly successful but some look choppy and rushed which disrupts the continuity of the sequence.
  • At the end of the sequence the main title of the film fades onto a black screen, showing that the film makers are able to use basic editing.
Camera angles
  • Close up shot used to show main character's bloody hands and weapon which emphasises the theme of violence in this opening:

  • Long shot used to show a mysterious character in the distance, also a POV shot from the main character's view. This character's identity is unknown throughout the whole sequence, adding to suspense and creating questions as to who he is: 

  • Over the shoulder and closeup shot of the two character's phones involves the audience and allows them to read their messages, attempting to better the audience's understanding of the plot: 

  • High angle shot of the main character escaping a cell shows the character's vulnerability and begins to add depth and complexity to the character: 


  • Very little diegetic sound is used in the sequence. The only diegetic sound used is the ringtone of the main character's phone telling him he has a message. 
  • The non diegetic background music is composed of fast paced, low pitched synthesised notes that are played on a loop throughout the opening. This music is appropriate as it helps build tension which is a requirement of the genre, but is also boring after the first minute because it doesn't change.
  • A non diegetic voiceover is used in this sequence which lowers the quality of the film opening as a whole. This is because the actor providing the dialogue is not a professional and is not able to deliver his lines as emotively or with as much conviction as the sequence requires, making it seem amateurish.
  • The titles are all in the same typography, which is plain and white in colour: 

The only difference in colour is when the main title appears at the end of the sequence and the 'e' is coloured red with what looks like a trail of blood dripping off the tail:

This typography was not very successful because it was rather plain and did not fit with the genre. The font looked like one I could find in Word and with the exception of the main title, was not manipulated at all to look interesting or eye catching. 


  • Notable mise-en-scene included the main character's bloody hands and knife, which denoted and connoted violence and met the conventions of the thriller genre. However, the blood looked extremely fake which made the production look unrealistic and more amateurish than more realistic looking fake blood would have done. 
  • Both characters wear dark, nondescript clothing. The unidentified character wears a hood to conceal his face, adding to the tension and mystery surrounding his character. The dark clothing met some thriller conventions as they helped mask the character's identity which in turn created more suspense.
  • The location appeared to be very isolated, which worked well with the title 'Fugitive' as a fugitive would not be found in a crowded area with lots of people. The film makers used the location well, using stone walls and cells to create a realistic trapped atmosphere for the main character.

I would give this film opening a 38 out of 60, as it is proficient. While lacking in some areas (typography, sound) it was appropriate for the genre and often met conventions and audience expectations of the thriller genre. 

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