Monday 16 December 2013

Genre Investigation: Psychological Horror


'Orphan' (2009) is a psychological horror centred around a family of four and their newly adopted child, Esther.
Esther is different to the other children, which is, at first, endearing.
As the film progresses, the mother begins to suspect that Esther is more different than they had originally thought.

'Orphan' conforms to the typical conventions of psychological horror in a number of ways:

  • The main character, a wife and a mother, is, herself, psychologically damaged.
  • She is a recovering alcoholic.
  • She is also recovering from the loss of her unborn child.
  • A 'troubled' protagonist is very common in psychological horror films, as the film itself explores the mind.
  • It is also typical for the protagonist/victim to be female.
  • The film is largely set in a large house surrounded by woods.
  • This is a typical convention of psychological horror movies, as it separates the characters from the rest of the world and separates them from people that could help/save them.
  • The snowy scenery gives the setting a 'cold', bleak atmosphere, which reflects on the negative tone of the plot.


  • In the opening credits, the title of the film 'flickers' between a plain font and one that is splattered in neon paint.  This is a reference to something that happens later in the movie.
  • Furthermore, the font changes to another font which resembles 'scribbled' handwriting.
  • Coupled with the black background, it is clear to the audience that these are the opening credits to a horror film, as the typography is overall 'creepy' and sinister.

Opening sequence

  • The sequence begins in high key lighting, which brings a positive mood to the sequence.
  • The out of focus wide shot at the beginning creates a dreamlike atmosphere.
  • There are many close up shots of the female protagonist, and no one else's faces are shown till later in the sequence.  This tells the audience that she is going to be a key character in the film.
  • The red of the blood in contrast with the white hospital floor is a clear indicator to the audience that something isn't right.
  • The lighting then becomes low-key: the operating room is surrounded by darkness and dimly lit by top lighting.
  • All images seen are surreal, to make it clear to the audience that this is a dream sequence.
  • The sequence is made up of straight cut edits.
  • Each shot is very short and the frequently changing shots create an atmosphere of confusion, which reflects on the feelings of the protagonist.
  • This sequence also introduces the protagonist's psychological trauma to the audience.
  • A psychologically damages protagonist is a common convention in psychological horror.


  • Esther has the appearance of a normal girl, which makes her violent actions disturbing to the audience, as it is unnatural for a child to commit such crimes.
  • Although she looks like a normal child, she dresses in old fashioned clothing (often remarked on by other characters) and this marks her out as different, within the modern setting. 

  • Throughout the film, Esther, who is actually a grown woman, is in disguise as a young child.
  • It is common in horror movies for the main character to be disguised, as the audience does not know everything about them and this creates the fear of the unknown.
  • Esther is also psychologically disturbed, as demonstrated by the book she keeps with pictures of all of her victims: she is obsessive.


  • The sequence above is a good example of the sound used throughout the film.
  • All diegetic sound is of children playing: this gives a happy atmosphere and contrasts with the contrapuntal non-diegetic sound:
  • The non-diegetic soundtrack is metallic and tuneless and has a negative tone.  These sounds increase in volume to create suspense and fear within the audience.
  • Some string instruments are used, playing in a minor key to contribute to the negative tone.
  • Low key lighting is used throughout the sequence to create fear within the audience, as they cannot see everything as some things are hidden in shadow.

1 comment:

  1. Orphan is a movie that will be recorded in my mind forever!! I saw it many times and I love it!! It's simply amazing, it's totally different than all movies... The secret, it left me speechless... what a shock!! I only can say good things about this movie, I recommend it to everyone.
