Sunday 1 December 2013

Killer's Journal

  • Once again I kept 'American Horror Story' opening titles as a source inspiration in terms of both the non-digetic sound and also the editing
  • By using 'American Horror Story' as inspiration it will help create an uncomfortable ambience to our film opening with the use of the fast paced editing and creepy music

  • When producing this short sequence, I tried to keep the video clips short to give this jumpy and unsettling atmosphere to the sequence.
  • Only used straight cuts for a more blunt effect
  • Edited for no continuity of motion to portray the ominous killer.
  • Within the sequence I shot several 'pages' to show the variety of entries the killer would make such as a daily log of when the killer watches their victim.

  • In this screenshot of one of the killer's pages I have focused on the tracking of the times and whereabouts of the victim to show the killer's keen interest in them.
  • Used an extreme close up shot to show that the killer keeps the track of the times and the people who they are with.
  • Used tungsten light. 
  • Achieved this by the room being in the dark with a single desk lamp on over the page.

  • Another page idea I looked into was a map of the victim's route home from school.
  • This page inspiration came from the killer's journal in 'The Lovely Bones'.
  • On this map I have marked out the victim's home, school and friends' homes along with the direction her other friend's live
  • There is also a route of the victims route home to show where she walks with her friends and where she walks alone.
  • Close up shot used to show a basic layout of the map. 
  • There is also several extreme close up shots in the sequence like at the beginning.
  • Also used tracking shots to follow the lines which are the victim's route home.

  • To show the killer's through research into the victim's life I did a page on their friends full names and addresses to show the obsession to know every detail about where the victim could be and who they know.
  • Used an extreme close up shot to show the details

  • This page in the journal looked into weapons and which is more efficient 
  • Didn't put to much detail into the page because it is still undecided what kind of death the victim will have.
  • Extreme close up shot of noose to show weapon of choice

  • Only showed the killer's hand in this sequence to keep an element of mystery and anonymity to the killer which would provoke the audience to question who they are
  • In the sequence I have the juxtaposition of the hand movements speed up and slowed down to show the killer's unpredictable nature
  • In the scenes with the hands I increased the contrast as it the original looked to washed out.
  • In the scenes with the killer's hand I made it appear as though they are obsessive and creepy by looking like they are tracing and caressing the map.

  • This scene is where the killer is circling their victim's home. This basically pinpoint where they live to the audience
  • Here I used an extreme close up shot to show the action of the circling and location.
  • In the stages of editing I sped up the scene and spilt it into several clips all of which are still continuously flowing but changed every other clip's colour by adjusting the colour levels, exposure and saturation.
  • This can be see at 0.14
  • I feel this scene ties into the inspiration of 'American Horror Story'

Non-Diegetic Music

  • To create the non-diegetic music for the sequence I used the music software 'Logic Pro'
  • For this sequence I tried to make an eerie piece of non-diegtic music to accompany the journal sequence
  • Using the 'American Horror Story' opening titles as inspiration I gave the creepy, ominous ambience by using atmospheric sounds
  • In terms of instruments I used two synthesisers which played chords which linger
  • With the two synthesisers I layered them to create a more textured piece of music.

  • Overall I think the short sequence was a fair success but can be improved a lot more in many aspects before making the film opening
  • I feel there should be more in depth look into the victim, maybe include an image
  • To improve on the editing I think maybe to experiment more with different techniques and maybe some clips of the victim as a parallel 
  • There should also be more in depth investigation into the killer's techniques of killing the victim
  • The music was also a fair success however could be improved by adding more instruments.
  • Another way it could be improved is by possibly added a short snappy and eerie melody
  • I think there are aspects of this practical that should be carried forward like the use of the map and notes in the journal inspired by 'The Lovely Bones'

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