Sunday 26 January 2014

Sound Deconstruction: Se7en

The sound I will be deconstructing is the non diegetic music from the opening sequence of 'Se7en'.

  • The sound is parallel to the unsettling images shown onscreen, reinforcing the psychological horror genre.
  • There is a high pitched, fast paced beat in the background that is present throughout the entire sound and is one of the most regular elements of the sound.
  • Throughout the sequence, a distorted squealing sound can be heard that is grating and will shock the audience listening.
  • Static can also be heard at various points during the sequence, which makes the music sound more disjointed and unsettling.
  • Before the music noticeably intensifies at 1:13, echoing synth notes can be heard. These sound like high pitched vocalising, which juxtaposes with the other harsh distorted noises present and creates a jarring effect.
  • At 1:13, electric guitar riffs are added to the music, which then intensifies as the sounds get louder and faster.
  • More electric guitar riffs can be heard towards the end of the sequence, which build in volume in a crescendo and give the music a frantic, disjointed feel.
This deconstruction is useful as we can use this as a reference when we create our final soundtrack for our film opening. This sequence uses shocking, distorted sounds to shock and unsettle the audience, which we can incorporate into our own soundtrack to make it more successful.

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