Friday 17 January 2014

Film Title

Title: 'Young Blood'

We're going to be using the title of 'young blood' for our film opening as we agreed as a group that it would be the most effective and relevant for us to use considering our choice of a psychological horror genre film and what clips will be included in the film opening.

Even though our survey came back as our target audience liking a different title but we didn't feel that this was as good as our chosen title for our film opening. Although 'young blood' was one of the titles that our target audience did still show an interest in this title so we still think it would be a good title to use, especially since it still gained a few votes on our survey.

  • the use of young blood implies the film will be a horror.
  • it will appeal to our target audience as they are young as well.
  • it was still popular among our target audience so will be effective.
  • it doesn't reveal entirely what our film/film opening will be about.
  • it is appropriate for our film genre of a psychological horror.

We believe this title will be good and effective as it doesn't entirely reveal to the audience what the entire film would be about and so keeps a sense of mystery for the audience to try and figure out as the sequence goes on. It is also relevant to out film and film opening for what we are filming and so will be a good title to use.

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