Sunday 5 January 2014

Shooting Script and Evaluation

Date of filming: 2nd January 2014
Locations: Bexley Village, the bridge on the A2

3 pm: Meet at Bexley War Memorial and begin prep for filming e.g. preparing mise-en-scene on the actors

  • Mise-en-scene included the stalker's costume and props (all black clothing and rucksack) and the victim's costume (coat, jeans and boots)

4 pm: Begin filming stalking scenes around Bexley Village and bridge
  • Shoot establishing shots, POV shots, mid shots, over the shoulder shots 


For reference, this is the scene from the storyboard that we plan to film:

5 pm: Finish filming

Evaluation of filming
This session did not go as well as we expected because we lost the light quickly and it became too dark to film successfully, which means we will have to reshoot and reconsider what time we start filming in the future. There were also inconsistencies in the shots and difficulty with camera settings, which will be changed for the next time we shoot.

On the other hand, the session was beneficial to us as we were able to see which camera angles would work the best in these scenes and will be able to use them in the reshoot. Our actor and mise-en-scene were also prepared quickly which will be useful in future filming sessions. After this session, we now have to reconsider how long it will take us to film the rest of our opening and also how early we should begin preparing and shooting in the future.

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