Sunday 12 January 2014

Evaluation of Reshoot

Too Dark

  • When re-shooting the scenes I found that when I was filming them at the time they weren't too dark however when reviewing my footage I found that they were way more darker than I had anticipated.
  • There were also some shots when filming where I had noticed that it was too dark on the camera screen so I tried to fix it either by changing the settings or manually enhancing them.


No Reflector                                                                 Reflector
  • When filming after I had noticed that the shots were way too dark to be seen I have an idea to use a make-shift reflector. 
  • I remember Ellen's mask she made was tin foil on the opposite side to the face she had created. 
  • When filming we placed the tin foil mask just below the frame which reflected the street lights onto the subject's face.
  • This illuminated our subject's face and allowed more light in the frame.
  • I feel that we might have to reshoot a couple more shots again due to quite a few being too dark.

Two Lightings

Shade                                                                                    Tungsten
  • When shooting I realised that I hadn't changed my camera settings once again. 
  • The lighting settings had been on shade which gave the shots an red tinge to them where as I wanted to film in Tungsten which can be seen above.
  • This means there are two different different colourings to our footage which when edited won't have that continuative, steady flow which I had hoped for.

Improved Bridge Shots

  • When reviewing and comparing the Bridge shots had been heavily improved since that last shoot.
  • This is mainly due to the different lighting. This time we shot at sunset which gave the frame a rich colour whereas last time was very cold and dull.
  • As well as adding a rich colour it created shadows adding more depth to the shot and more detail.
  • Last time I used a straight on view of the bridge which didn't look right as the camera was slighting skewed which didn't make the shot look right.
  • When reshooting I opted for a more angle view by filming from the left side of the bridge. I felt this angle worked better for this scene.

Better Shots of Killer

First Shoot                                                                                         Reshoot

    • Last time when we filmed the Killer the shots were of a very poor quality. They tended to all be blurry and not very well positioned.
    • This time with the camera settings changed and after playing around with some different angles, the shots have vastly improved.
    • As well as this last time I felt when reviewing the first shoot our Killer was far too close to our Victim for it to be believable so this time when filming I tried to keep the distance between them greater.

      Macro Lens

      First Shoot                                                                                       Reshoot

      • Last time when I shot this dropping of the Victim's item I had pointed out that it was too blurry and out of focus to be used due to the use of macro lens not being focused properly.
      • However when reshooting again I managed to get the item more in focus however couldn't keep steady to make the shot decent enough to use.
      • As well as keeping steady which ruined it, it was also the lighting ruined the shot. In this shot my camera was still on 'Shade' where as it should have been on 'Tungsten' to get rid of the orange tinge to the shot. 


      • Like before in the first shoot, I had the same issue with grain due to the lighting being awful once again.
      • Ideally when filming I want to be using an ISO of 800 or less to avoid grain in the footage. 
      • However due to our storyline being set at night where are Victim is being followed home I need to use an high ISO in order to capture some picture.
      • If I was to use anything lesser than ISO 3200, you would not be able to see anything in the footage.
      • If I was to reshoot again, which I feel is needed, I might need to find some way to get more light into the frame.
      • This might be using reflectors or finding a way to set up a light source.

      Clearer Image Quality

      • Whereas a lot of the shots had not improved due to the poor lighting. The shots that were filmed at sunset had significantly improved since last time due to changing the settings 
      • By changing the settings of 1280x720 50 fps to 1920x1080 24fps it has significantly improved the quality of the picture.
      • Overall when reviewing and comparing the reshoot to the first shoot there was a dramatic improvement.
      • The main improvement was being able to get the clearer picture that I had hoped for in the first shoot and didn't achieve.
      • However there were still a lot of problems with the reshoot. The scenes where it is darker will need to be reshot either with a light source. Yet I feel that this will still not work so I will have to consider using a different time of day to reshoot and see which will work the best.
      • After two shoots of filming this scene from the film opening I feel that when editing this I will need to reconsider the time length of this scene and condense it down to fewer scenes as I feel this part of the sequence is not the strongest visually.

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