Thursday 27 March 2014

Editing: Sound Alterations

  • When editing our film opening 'Locust Toybox - So 2005' was used as our introductory music.
  • When the music was applied to footage it became apparent that it didn't work.
  • After the thought that it didn't work I asked peers for their opinion.
  • They agreed as well as saying that the music sounded 'too medieval' for the sequence.
  • As an alternative to the non-diegetic soundtrack I thought that diegtic sounds of the environment would provide a better opening to set the scene rather that the non-diegetic music.
  • Seeing as the film opening starts on a bridge over a busy road, it made sense for traffic to be in place.
  • The diegetic sounds of traffic are more effective as it builds and fades into the non-diegetic soundtrack. 
  • This provides a build in tension with the start of a seemingly normal scene which progressively builds in tension and horror.
  • Below is the diegetic traffic sound effects that we decided on as a group.

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