Saturday 8 March 2014

Recording of Sounds

For our film opening we would be needing some diegetic sounds to overlay on top of our non-diegetic sound we will have throughout the film opening.

First of all we decided to record basic footsteps to use in the film opening. We waited until our surroundings were quiet and then had one of us walk down a corridor whilst the other recorded the sounds that were made. We ended up with having two sets of recordings for the footsteps as one sounded better than the other in some ways, it was louder and seemed to be more realistic.

The next diegetic sound we recorded was that of a door opening. We found a fairly old door that would make a lot of noise that we could capture when we were to open it. The noise it made was very realistic when we listened back to the recording.

The final sound we recorded was of the same door closing. We used the same door so that it would sound similar to when it was being opened but instead in reverse to portray that fact that the door would be closing instead of opening like in the previous sound clip.


  • Overall I believe the sounds were quite well recorded and sounded like we wanted them to.
  • There may be some fuzzy sounds that can be heard in the background from the recorder so we may need to consider re-recording again
  • The sounds we recorded were what we needed for our film opening.

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