Friday 21 March 2014

'Glitch' Non-Diegetic Sound

  • As the flashbacks occur in our opening, non-diegetic 'glitch' sound effects can be heard, to emphasise the contrast between the happiness surrounding the victim, and the horror surrounding the killer.
  • These glitch sound effects were found on vimeo:

  • I also created glitch sound effects by warping recorded sounds, using garageband.
  • These sounds are parallel to the flashback shots that occur within the sequence.

  • Initially, the sound effects are quiet, but grow in volume as the sequence continues, to give the sequence a 'jumpy' mood.

  • Overall, I feel that these non-diegetic sounds are effective as they contrast with the calm mood in the beginning of the sequence and therefore create a sinister ambience.  Furthermore, the flashback shots are less confusing and out of place when paired with the sounds.

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