Wednesday 16 October 2013

Preliminary Task: Bang

Final Video: Preliminary Task


Before we shot the Preliminary Task, we created a story board to make editing easier, and to ensure that we used a wide range of camera angles and shots.This also helped us in shooting, as it kept things organised and allowed us to film things in non-chronological order.

Group Evaluation of Preliminary Task

How did you find the planning stage?

We found the planning stage of the filming production manageable once we had come up with a basic idea to base the storyboard and filming around. We found finding actors and an area was easy as we knew what type of actors and location we wanted and found the right ones for this to emphasis all the features of the filming that we needed to be emphasised. The storyboarding and figuring out what camera angles to put in each shot was challenging at first to think about but once we had laid out what we wanted in each shot we were able to put a camera angle to it to complement what we wanted the shot to look like and what affect we wanted it to have on the audience. On a whole we found the planning very successful as we were very organised with our storyboarding and all the clear points we needed to include to make the filming altogether successful and effective. (Megan)

Unexpected difficulties faced filming

Whilst in the process of production there were several difficulties faced. The first problem that was faced was with the camera shots and angles. In post-production, we came up with the basic storyline and outlined each shot in the storyboard however when it came to actually shooting the scene the camera shots and angles we planned to use weren't the best for capturing the scene. When it came to shooting we found alternative shots which captured the scene better but they didn't follow our plan. This lead onto another difficulty we faced was the lack of organisation. When shooting in production our plans started to change and develop from our original storyboard. This caused the group to be more confused about what was to be shot next and what they should be doing. However towards the end this was rectified. Overall when there were difficulties faced we managed to work together and sort them out in the end. (Charlotte)

Use of Equipment

When we were filming we used a digital video camera. When using the digital video camera we came across no issues or problems, making filming the scenes easy. As well as the video camera we used a tripod, a three-legged stand for supporting a camera, which was easy to set up and helped a lot in the process of filming giving us stable and steady shots. When using the tripod we experimented with different heights and panning the camera on the tripod pivot. (Charlotte)

What are you most proud of?

As a group, we were proud of our organisational skills. After completing our storyboard we were able to assemble our actors and equipment in our chosen area of filming in a short amount of time and so were able to begin the task quickly. We used our time efficiently so we were able to correct or retake any shots we thought were unsatisfactory to ensure we did the best work we were capable of. We were also proud of the very last shot we filmed, in which the ‘hero’ of our story raises a gun (to the off screen antagonist) at the camera lens, resulting in a shift of the camera focus from the character’s face to the gun (the actor’s interlocked fingers) in an extreme closeup. We felt this shot was very effective and would have a big impact on the audience watching. (Hana)

Evaluation of Editing Process

In the editing process we started off by setting out the clips on the storyboard in order of appearance. We then began to cut the clips down, getting rid of the unnecessary sections. In the sequence we only used straight cuts. Once we had the basic outline of the sequence we added the title 'Bang'.

We choose this as the title because it is short as well as snappy and provokes an audience to question what it is referring to, which in this clip is the ending when the 'gun' is held up to the camera. We also choose the font for a sleek and more professional look. Over the top of the title we added footsteps which could be interpreted as the killer walking away from the scene which is about to appear. Throughout the sequence we used several sound effects both diegetic and non-diegetic e.g. the atmospheric music at the beginning. Overall the preliminary task isn't of a very high standard due to clips being too long, background noises forgotten to have been muted and the overall quality of the camera which was very poor and out of focus. If this task was to be repeated we would have paid closer attention to the details on the soundtrack. These being both on the noises in the background and the sound effects which don't quite fit as well as having a higher quality picture. (Charlotte)

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