Thursday 6 February 2014

Finalising Credits

  • Previously I looked into the typography to use in our film opening title and credits. 
  • I have refined it down to using the font 'Biko' which is very clean cut and modern and can be moulded to fit most film genres.
  • The original idea for the credits were:

  • However I didn't test it out on more than one name which lead to issues of the layout and the overall appearance.
  • After taking the factors that went wrong into consideration I redesigned the layout and positioning of the credits.
  • Here is the basic structure in which I created using multiple names. 

  • I am overall really pleased with the outcome of the new design for the typography credits, they have come out more professional and I particularly like the use of spacing and contrasting font weights.
  • However I felt that it would be nice if the credit typography was manipulated to have a slight disfigurement to make a subtle reference to the killer's underlying psychological problems.
  • After experimenting with different effects I used this one:

  • Here I used an effect called 'Scrape' which distorts and elongates words. I have used it to create this slight disfigurement in the template for the credits.
  • I quite like the simple and subtle quirk to the credit and provides that slight disfigurement I had hoped for.

settings I used to create the slight manipulation

  • After this I wanted to add a slight bit of movement to the credits as they were looking rather dull.
  • After a series of trials I thought the most effective effect was 'Projector' with an overlay of 'Shadows'
  • The 'Projector' effect alters the credits to make them shake a little as well as add slight noise to the black background as well as add a slight glow to the text.
  • Then the use of the 'Shadow' effect to slightly dull the white text which was needed after the 'Projector' effect increased the white in the text which was just to much/
  • Overall the outcome of the credits, I feel, have been well executed and are finished enough to the point of them being ready to use straight away for the opening credits of our film opening.
  • The slight shakiness, I feel adds to the effectiveness of our film genre, Psychological Horror.
  • I think that these credits will work really well in the film opening and enhance the quality, making our film opening appear more professional
  • In the clip above shows the order in which the credits appear as well as the length the credits will stay on screen for which is 3 seconds (at the moment).
  • In between these credits will be the edited footage of our film.

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