Film Title Animation
- At the beginning of the animation, I used the font that Charlie selected: x
- The other font I used was 'Brain Flower'.
- I chose this font as it appears to be handwritten.
- I further manipulated the text on photoshop, by placing each letter on a different level.
- This added to the handwritten result, inspired by titles in the psychological horror film Orphan.
- I wanted the animation to flicker between the two fonts and have a broken TV effect.
- To create this effect, I used uncopyrighted grainy, noise textures.
- The animation flickers quickly between the two fonts with these textures in between.
- I also 'scribbled' around the Brain Flower font, to add to the handwritten effect.
- The frames of the animation that contain the manipulated font and the VCR textures play for a much shorter amount of time than the font that Charlie created; the end result resembles the flashbacks that are included in our opening.
- Overall, I am happy with the result: the clean font at the beginning reflects upon the beauty that our killer strives for, whilst the manipulated font represents the horror underneath. Furthermore, I feel that the result fits within the psychological horror genre.
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